Industry-leading benchmarking, market sizing, and competitive analysis powered by extensive datasets that span products, customer types, and geographies to identify opportunities and drive growth.
Unrivaled Global Data Coverage
Experienced Team Committed to Quality
Identify Market Opportunities that Drive Growth
More Data in One Place Than Anywhere Else
MarketPulse lets you analyze worldwide asset flows and trends across managers, vehicles, and regions to drive growth.
Benchmarking and Competitive Intelligence
Benchmark your funds against the market and peer groups. Know exactly which competitors are gaining or losing flows and how it may potentially impact your funds. Dig deeper to understand competitor profiles and factors driving changes in relative asset and product flows.
Market Sizing and Trend Analysis
Size the market by various asset classes or vehicle types. Identify your market share and that of your competitors. Identify and forecast growth opportunities to gain market share with datasets that help you.

Product Strategy and Development
See how money is flowing so you can identify new opportunities and optimize your product offering to capture market share.
Identify New Product and Market Opportunities
Visualize distribution trends, analyze new market entries, identify organic growth, and review M&A opportunities. Drive growth and gain a competitive advantage through product consolidation.
Pricing Strategy
Benchmark fees and performance, identify mispriced share classes, then quantify how to optimize pricing strategies for future growth.
Fulfill Regulatory Requirements
Access data crucial to monitoring the investment products that you create. Generate reports and publications needed as evidence for compliance and regulatory requirements.

MarketPulse Suite
Business intelligence suite of products to conduct benchmarking and understand asset flows and product trends.

Powered by Simfund
Global Data Coverage

MarketPro Analytics
Global Data Coverage

MarketPulse Annuity Filings
United States

MarketPulse FundFiling
United States

MarketPulse Mandate
United States

MarketPulse Mandate Reports
United States
Global Data Coverage
as of 6/30/23